Sunday, July 6, 2008

Prayer Request

Please pray with us for the family of one of our summer missionaries, Greg Gomez. Greg arrived here in Lima the end of May with 60 other summer missionaries to serve on the REAP South Team. Since then he has traveled around southern Peru with a team researching unreached micro people groups. Yesterday afternoon Greg was traveling on a public transportation van near the town of Abancay with another summer missionary and a Peruvian national who also serve on the REAP South team. The van was in an accident and Greg died of head injuries.

Greg is from Illinois and recently graduated from Old Miss University with an engineering degree. Greg’s family was on a trip and weren’t notified until late last night. Please pray for peace for his family and friends. Also, please pray for the two young ladies who were in the accident.

Please pray for the other summer interns. Many of them are in hard to reach places and don’t even know about the accident yet. Pray for the REAP South team and our mission leaders who are ministering to the family in the U.S. and working with Peruvian officials here.

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