Monday, December 31, 2007

War Zones, Yellow Underwear, and Luggage ... Feliz Ano!

Well, this New Year's Eve has been an interesting one, that's for sure. The evening started with dinner at Mike and Kathy's with some friends and some of Kathy's wonderful cooking. I'm still on this bland diet, so it wasn't as exciting as I would've liked ... Kathy had set aside a little bit of everything before she seasoned the food, so I got all the sad little bowls of food with no flavor ... but I still enjoyed it. We sat around and chatted for a bit after dinner and then started watching football (that's the way to ring in the New Year, for sure!). As it started getting closer to midnight, however, the number of people shooting off fireworks began to increase. If there's one thing Peruvians love, it's fireworks. By the time Mike and Kathy were walking me home, just a little after midnight, it sounded like it was a war zone. If another country ever decides it wants to invade and/or bomb Peru, all they need to do is wait until New Year's Eve. No one will ever know they are being bombed ... they'll just think it's more fireworks. Crazy!!

Also, as we were walking towards my house, amidst the crazy fireworks going off everywhere, there were people out walking with their suitcases. I had heard, though I hadn't seen it until tonight, that Peruvians take their suitcases and walk around the block if they want to travel in the new year. Apparently, this midnight stroll around the block with an empty suitcase is good luck and will bring lots of traveling. Hmmm, now where did I put my suitcases?

Another tradition that I find incredibly entertaining is yellow underwear ... I'm not exactly sure of the significance of the yellow underwear, but I believe the idea is that you wear yellow underwear on New Year's Eve and/or New Year's day for good luck. Just think, all these years, that's what has been missing in my life. Well, let's see if this year is any better because of the yellow underwear. :-)

On another note, though still related, I had another moment today where I was immensely grateful that I don't speak the language well (I've had a few of these in the last few days). When I say I am grateful that I don't speak the language, I mean I am grateful that they can not understand what I am saying. As I was walking home tonight, right after Mike and Kathy had turned off to head back to their house, about a block from where I live, I saw a kid leaning out his window with a firecracker. It looked like a sparkler and I was really hoping that is what it was. But as he let it fly and it went whizzing just above my head, I discovered that it was not. He saw my momentary frustration with the fact that it had just missed my head and decided that screaming "Feliz Ano" to me would make it better. As I said "Feliz Ano, don't shoot your stupid fireworks at my head!", I realized that, if for no other reason, God has allowed me to struggle with this language so that I would not shout at people in words they can actually understand. I'm so glad God has a sense of humor ... and that He protects me even from silly things like fireworks.


Amy Read said...

Man, i wish i had known about that suitcase tradition!
...too bad i don't have any yellow underwear though :(

I bet throwing firecrackers in Peru is actually a way of showing friendship :) i should try it sometime!

i'm glad your finding optimism in everything, Sandi... even when it's really hard to. You have incredible strength!
Love you!

Anonymous said...

HAHA! You go girl. I knew I loved you for some reason. Well, more than one reason, I suppose. ;-) I wish I was there to see you yelling at some kid. I do that all the time to this one kid too. Oh, wait, that's my brother. lol. I forgot for a second. Oh the bliss of that one, precious second. jk! I love you!

Muffin Head <><